Asperato requires certain prerequisites in order to operate correctly; those prerequisites are outlined here. If you're not sure whether you can meet these prerequisites, or you need some clarification, please email with any questions and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Salesforce prerequisites
You must have a valid Salesforce Enterprise or Unlimited license in order to use Asperato ONE in a production setting. For testing and development purposes, Asperato ONE can also be used in a Salesforce developer org. Asperato ONE is not compatible with Salesforce Essentials or Salesforce Professional edition.
If you are using Salesforce lightning experience, then you must ensure that my domain is enabled and deployed to all users. You must also make sure that logins are not restricted to your custom domain, i.e. logins from
for sandboxes) are still allowed.
PSP prequisites
For live running, you must have a compatible PSP connection that has been configured to take live payments.
Note that if you are using GoCardless, you must have a GoCardless Pro account (standard and plus accounts are not supported.)